Sunday, September 9, 2007

On First Impressions

A case of first impression is an issue that a jurisdictional court faces for the first time. There are no precedents, no guiding hand of history to determine the just outcome. No personal experience.

First impressions matter a lot. It frames entirely how one views an issue or a person.

First impressions of law school: it's a lot like high school, at least on a superficial level it's structured a lot like high school. I think the fact that they gave us lockers was the tipping point of the resemblance to high school.

First impressions of people: Everyone makes an effort. Everyone interacts on more or less a polite level. It's hard to base everything on first impressions.

If you are reading this, it's your first impression on myself as a professional. This is going to be a professional journal. No crazy walls of text, no strange pictures, no stream of consciousness writing, no angst. How sad.

This will probably bore most people since it's going to be mainly about thoughts on the law, legal philosophy, and struggling through law school. It's not like I have much else to write about.

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